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Resources |
This is a great central area to find interesting virtual
labs on physics principles. these can also be applied to Biolgy. The
downside is that some of the links result in useless webpages, so you
have to go through and search for what you need. |
Alive! This site includes topics in cell biology, microbiology, immunology,
and microscopy. There are great images (both schematic and actual photographs),
and the text is written at (approximately) high school level. This is
a great for teachers and students; there are tons of interactive, animated
demonstrations and quizzes. Must see link! |
Frog - Not only is this a great site for a virtual frog dissection,
but there are virtual dissections for a squid and an owl pellet. The site
guides you through a step-by-step procedure of going through all the anatomical
parts of the specimen. |
website - I use it all the time with my students either as demonstrations,
straight information, or interactive games (for them... and me!). Most
of this website is written in kid-friendly language. Topics include cell
biology, blood, and most genetics |
Drill and Practice Tutorials |