Main Assignments:

1. Internet Resources

2. Data Analysis

3. Games

4. Simulated Experiments

5. Software

6. Math Tools

7. Graphing Calculators

8. Probeware

9. Digital Imaging

10. Scientific and Math Editors

Professional Associations

Web | Software | Lessons | Videos | Lit | Assoc | Tests | Teaching | Equip | Enrich | Info | Plan | Mapping | Groups

2004 California Science Education Conference
October 14th - 17th, 2004 ~ San Jose Convention Center
"Bringing Us Together"

About the Conference: The 2004 California Science Education Conference features over 200 standards-based workshops, focus speakers, field courses, short courses, special events, and more, all geared toward teachers in every science discipline and at every grade level. It’s a can’t-miss, one-stop shop for new and veteran science educators alike and is the most affordable, comprehensive approach to your professional development.


CSTA Journal Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines
: Articles should endeavor to address a topic or an aspect of a topic in-depth and be factual and research-based. Articles may imply the author's opinion on an issue as long as the content is backed up by cited facts.  Articles may be of any reasonable length; the editors reserve the right to edit for space, content and style.

: Submissions should include a title page with the author's name, address, phone number and e-mail address, affiliations and a brief biographical sketch of 2 or 3 lines. Indicate whether or not the article has been published or submitted elsewhere. Articles may be sent electronically or on disk, in Rich Text Format (rtf), followed by a hard copy sent via U.S. mail to the CSTA office. 

Electronic submissions
: send to; write "For CSTA Journal" in the subject line. 

Mail submissions
: send to CSTA, 3800 Watt Ave., Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95821.



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Masters Program

e-mail Dr. Herr