Main Assignments:

1. Internet Resources

2. Data Analysis

3. Games

4. Simulated Experiments

5. Software

6. Math Tools

7. Graphing Calculators

8. Probeware

9. Digital Imaging

10. Scientific and Math Editors

Math and Science Software Review

Formal Software Review

1. Software Review 1

2. Software Review 2

General Software Review

1. Inspiration and Kidspiration - These programs are superb for any subject, especially math and science. Kidspiration is designed for younger students with its colorful icons and sounds and speech functions. You can create concept webs that can be used to create an experiment, illustrate how to solve a problem and more. I enjoy teaching kids how to use this program and I also enjoy using it myself.

2. Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Science 2.0 - In this program, students explore the world of science in a new and engaging way. It leads students grades 4-12 into the fields of Math, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and the Universe. There are tons of animations, audio clips, videos and more. The school pack comes with a teacher's guide that gives follow-up activities. Great for a center or a teacher led activity in the lab.

3. Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Nature 2.0 - This program is a highly interactive reference source that gives an excellent range of information about animals, habitats, environments, dinosaurs and more. It utilizes animations, sound effects, photography and narrations to make a unique learning experience for younger students grades 2 -8. The teachers manual also has activities and handouts to help the teacher to enrich the learning process.

4. Science Rock! - This program using catchy music and exciting animated interactive adventures that engage students in a broad range of science concepts. (Electricity, force and motion, light, sound, solar system, genetics and body systems) These learning programs are appropriate for 4th and 5th grade California content standards. It emphasises science as inquiry and touches on all major components of the science curriculum. There are printable worksheets for additional experiments.

5. Mighty Math Calculating Crew and Number Heroes - These programs are made by Harcourt Brace as a supplement to their textbooks. The programs have a kid-friendly interface and uses exciting games to reinforce math skills taught in the book. I highly recommend schools to opt for these programs for students to use in the classroom.







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