Main Assignments:

1. Internet Resources

2. Data Analysis

3. Games

4. Simulated Experiments

5. Software

6. Math Tools

7. Graphing Calculators

8. Probeware

9. Digital Imaging

10. Scientific and Math Editors

Internet-Based Science Experiments

Math Multimedia | Internet Science | Physics Experiments | Main

1. Owl Pellets
Software Source:

This simulation would be a good warm-up before or a follow-up activity for third grade students dissecting an owl pellet.

a) Identification of skeletal parts of a vole
b) Proper placement on puzzle.


2. Electricity and Magnetism
Software Source:

This simulation is a good introduction for fourth grade students into electricity and magnetism concepts.

a) Identification of major terms
b) Construct and test a circuit


.2. Genetics
Software Source: explorescience/dswmedia/interact.htm

This site gives good background information and experiments for 5th or 6th grade students studying genes in life science.

a) Identification of major terms
b) Breed mice with dominant and regressive genes


Other Places

Class Website

News Posting


Masters Program

e-mail Dr. Herr