4th Grade Lesson Review

design and build simple circuits


Click the link for the Harcourt Science Glossary to check your answers
1. circuit 5. insulator
2. electric current 6. resistor

electric cell

7. series circuit
4. conductor 8. parallel circuit


Match each term above with its meaning below
A. A material that electric current can pass through easily
B. A material that electric current can't pass through easily
C. A material that resists the flow of current but doesn't stop it
D. A flow of electric charges
E. A circuit that has more than one path along which current can travel
F. A material that current cannot pass through easily
G. A circuit that has only one path for current
H. A battery that supplies energy to move charges through a circuit


Identify the Circuits - Use terms above

Complete the Sentences

Materials that electricity can pass through are called .....................

Materials that electricity cannot pass through are called .....................

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